Will jellyfish inherit the Earth's oceans? - EarthFix

Research from over 10 years ago postulated that, with the effects of climate change, fisheries and other global drivers, jellyfish might someday dominate the world’s oceans. Since then, scientists have been working to verify this possibility, and the answer today is that they’re still not sure. FHL‘s Claudia Mills is quoted. Read more here. 

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Global map of lightning strikes - io9

Check out this map of where lightning strikes across the planet; in some areas, lightning strikes thousands of times a night! This article mentions the work of ESS’ Robert Holzworth to catalog lightning. Read more here! 

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How well, and how poorly, we harvest ocean life - NY Times

Ray Hilborn – Professor, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences – recently authored a book entitled “Overfishing: what everyone needs to know”.  In it, he explores questions like What is overfishing?, How do we estimate the abundance of animals in the ocean?, and How will climate affect fish populations? to name a few.  Check out the recent New York Times book review of it here. 

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