UW researchers land $10.6M to build subduction zone observatory

Scientists and engineers from the UW School of Oceanography, Department of Earth and Space Sciences and the Applied Physics Lab, along with partners at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, recently were awarded more than $10 million to build an underwater observatory in the Cascadia subduction zone. The funding comes from the National Science Foundation and aligns with larger efforts to better understand subduction zones more broadly. 

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ShakeAlert offers latest earthquake science as region practices Great ShakeOut safety drill Oct. 19

several people handle equipment as they set up a seismometer.

As people and organizations across the globe practice earthquake drills Oct. 19 on International ShakeOut Day, closer to home in the Pacific Northwest, communities are bolstered by a state-of-the-art earthquake early warning system — and a research center that maintains the second-largest seismic network in the U.S. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, housed within the UW College of the Environment, collects data from more than 700 seismic stations across Washington and Oregon, plus data from partner organizations in British Columbia and bordering states. 

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Teaching old fish new tricks

A CT scan of the spotfin hatchetfish from the openVertebrate project.

How much can you really learn from a dead herring in a jar? Housed in the UW College of the Environment, the Burke Museum’s Ichthyology Collection is home to more than 13 million preserved fish specimens from around the world, many dating back over a century. By far the largest collection of its kind in North America, it includes over 300 different samples of Pacific herring — an ideal species for researchers aiming to look back in time. 

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NSF funds internet-connected ocean observatory through 2028

The U.S. National Science Foundation announced Sept. 21 that it is awarding a coalition of academic and oceanographic research organizations a new five-year cooperative agreement to operate and maintain the Ocean Observatories Initiative. The University of Washington, Oregon State University and project lead Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will continue operating the OOI, a science-driven ocean observing network that delivers real-time data from more than 900 instruments to address critical science questions regarding the world’s oceans. 

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