Each week we share the latest peer-reviewed publications coming from the College of the Environment. For a special back-to school edition, we are sharing nine new articles co-authored by members of the College that were recently added to the Web of Science database. They include articles about the Great Barrier Reef, Mars, and more. Read on!

1. Title: Adsorption capacity of wildfire-produced charcoal from Pacific Northwest forests
Authors: Pingree, M; DeLuca, E; Schwartz, D; DeLuca, T
Source: Geoderma, Volume: 283, Pages: 68-77. Published: December 2016

2. Title: Determining woody-to-total area ratio using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
Authors: Ma, L; Zheng, G; Eitel, J; Magney, T; Moskal, M.
Source: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume:228, Pages: 217-228. Published: November 2016

3. Title: Ocean acidification: Linking science to management solutions using the Great Barrier Reef as a case study
Authors: Albright, R; Anthony, K; Baird, M; Beeden, R; Byrne, M; Collier, C; Dove, S; Fabricius, K; Hoegh-Guldberg, O; Kelley, R; Lough, J; Mongin, M; Munday, P; Pears, R; Russell, B; Tilbrook, B; Abal, E
Source: Journal of Environmental Management, Volume:182, Pages: 641-650. Published: November 2016

4. Title: Can autocorrelated recruitment be estimated using integrated assessment models and how does it affect population forecasts?
Authors: Johnson, K; Councill, E; Thorson, J; Brooks, E; Methot, R; Punt, A
Source: Fisheries Research, Volume: 183, Pages: 222-232. Published: November 2016

5. Title: Survival and transit of in-river and transported yearling Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia River and estuary
Authors: Dietrich, J; Eder, K; Thompson, D; Buchanan, R; Skalski, J; McMichael, G; Fryer, D; Loge, F
Source: Fisheries Research, Volume: 183, Pages: 435-446. Published: November 2016

6. Title: Using bioeconomic modeling to improve a harvest strategy for a quota-based lobster fishery
Authors: McGarvey, R; Matthews, J; Feenstra, J; Punt, A; Linnane, A
Source: Fisheries Research, Volume: 183, Pages 549-558. Published November 2016

7. Title: Developing risk equivalent data-rich and data-limited harvest strategies
Authors: Fulton, E; Punt, A; Dichmont, C; Gorton, R; Sporcic, M; Dowling, N; Little, R; Haddon, M; Klaer, N; Smith, D
Source: Fisheries Research, Volume: 183, Pages: 574-587. Published: November 2016

8. Title: Assessing a multilevel tier system: The role and implications of data quality and availability
Authors: Dowling, N; Punt, A; Little, R; Dichmont, C; Smith, D; Haddon, M; Sporcic, M; Fulton, E; Gorton, R
Source: Fisheries Research, Volume: 183, Pages: 588-593. Published: November 2016

9. Title: Modeling calcium sulfate chemistries with applications to Mars
Authors: Marion, G; Catling, D; Kargel, J; Crowley, J
Source: IcarusVolume: 278, Pages: 31-37, Published: November 2016