The “Early Career Ecologists” blog is hosted and written by a collaborative group of early-career scientists. Contributors work in a variety of systems (forests, riparian areas, deserts, the arctic tundra) and study a variety of species (from pines to microbes) all across the globe (from Alaska to Antarctica). They hope to encourage enthusiasm for and understanding of our systems beyond our own tiny, academic circles. The objectives of this blog are to: 1) increase public awareness through science communication, 2) provide a venue for early-career ecologists to communicate their science, and 3) promote interdisciplinary collaboration within the next generation of academics and researchers. Blog posts will vary in topic and format, ranging from the interpretation of complex scientific articles to posts on a day in the field. And, they are continually looking for new contributors! Follow them via our blog or on Twitter (@EarlyCareerEcol). Contact them directly at