We are excited to support you in connecting with students in the UW College of the Environment! Below you can find recommendations for how to get the word out about your jobs, internships, research opportunities and more. If you have any questions about recruitment at UW, please email us at envjobs@uw.edu.

Post job and internship opportunities

The primary job and internship board at the University of Washington is Handshake. Creating an account and posting opportunities is free! Learn more on their website and create your employer account to start posting.

In addition, you can send your opportunities to envjobs@uw.edu and we can post them on our Environmental Job Board. This is primarily geared for undergraduate and graduate students in the College of the Environment.

Students at the 2023 UW Environmental Career Fair.

Attend the Environmental Career Fair

We host our annual Environmental Career Fair each winter to connect students and employers regarding opportunities in environmental fields. The 2024 Environmental Career Fair was on February 15, thanks to all those who attended! A Career Fair is a great way to meet Huskies, build your brand, and recruit candidates for your open job and internship positions. We hope you can join us in the 2024-25 school year! Questions? Email us at envjobs@uw.edu.

Additional resources

Dean's Office Contact: