
To provide a tool to support the retention and recruitment of tenured and tenure-track faculty in the College of the Environment in a manner consistent with the University of Washington Salary Adjustment Policy.


An A/B salary is comprised of an annual base salary with an A salary component that is tenure-backed and a B salary component that is not tenure-backed. The A component is state-supported salary and the B component is non-state supported salary.

Total University Base Salary is the combination of the A salary and B salary components, including cases where the B component is not funded.


Under the university-wide Policy on A/B Retention Salary Adjustments, within the College of the Environment an A/B Salary model may be used for purposes of retaining eligible faculty with the following restrictions and clarifications:

Eligibility is restricted to tenure-track faculty. The chair may initiate a request to the Dean’s Office for an A/B salary structure in cases of retention or recruitment.

Faculty have a choice of two salary structures. The A/B salary ratio will be limited to either 90:10 or 80:20. The amount of the A component is that provided by state-supported salary. The B component must be provided by non-state appropriated sources such as grants, contracts, and other appropriate applicable sources. The total university base salary (A+B) represents the original total FTE.

There is no change in academic responsibilities. The adoption of an A/B salary structure does not modify a faculty member’s institutional responsibilities and obligations related to teaching, research and service. This includes obligations related to research effort certification. Adoption of an A/B salary structure shall not adversely affect the faculty member’s ability to support graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and other staff associated with research activities.

The request is irrevocable. The decision to adopt an A/B salary structure cannot be revoked by the faculty member at any future time.

The institution is under no obligation to provide component B funding. If the funding sources for the B component become unavailable at any time, the faculty member will receive only the state portion (A component) of the salary rate, and be without salary for the B component.

Research-funded teaching buy-outs will be calculated in terms of a faculty member’s total University Base Salary.

Adopting an A/B salary structure is considered a retention salary adjustment. A faculty member may not receive a retention salary adjustment for a period of three years from the effective date of the most recent retention adjustment.

Retirement and benefits are allocated to state and non-state sources in proportion of the A/B ratio. Retirement contributions will reflect the total University Base Salary, and therefore will be commensurately reduced when external funding for the B component is not available.

The retirement reemployment option is configured using the A/B salary ratio. The 40% maximum is based on the total University Base Salary; however, the vested right to employment is limited to 40% of the A component.


The faculty member will submit an A/B Salary Request Form to the appropriate unit chair(s)/director(s) that documents an independent, sustainable salary source and funding plan that will provide the B salary component.

With this documentation and in consultation with the faculty member, the unit chair(s)/director(s) determines if sufficient resources will be available to adopt the A/B salary structure.

The chair(s)/director(s) will complete an A/B Salary Agreement Letter and send it to the faculty member for signature. Separately, the chair(s)/director(s) will prepare a memo to the Dean describing the retention/recruitment issue and the proposed response, including initiation of an A/B salary structure.

The chair(s)/director(s) will forward a) the A/B Salary Request Form, b) the A/B Salary Agreement Letter and c) the retention/recruitment plan memo through the Dean to the Provost for approval.

The signed agreement becomes part of the faculty member’s University file, with one copy kept at the Dean’s Office.

Upon receiving approval from the Provost, the Dean’s Office will notify the unit, which will process the appropriate payroll changes.

Effective Date:                   June 11, 2012

Last Review Date:             June 11, 2012